Sunday, October 7, 2012

blog 6

Grimm seems to keep the character and scenes very dull.  What I mean is that Grimm does not add complex story elements that other stories do.  The reason that Grimm does not add these elements is because the stories are developed for younger children.  If the characters and scenes where as vivid as other stories then the fairytales would not be suitable for children.  Anne Saxton’s poem compared to Grimm’s “Snow White” is a perfect example of the difference between vivid stories elements and simplistic story elements.

Anne Saxton’s poem is very much different from that of Grimm’s Tale of “Snow White”.  One feature in particular is Anne Saxton goes into more detail of the Queens Envy of Snow White.  For Example, in the poem it goes into great detail of the Queens aging.  The poem states, “But now the Queen saw brown spots on her hand and four whiskers over her lip”.  This better explains the aging of the Queen in great detail.  These details help the reader to better see what the queen saw in the mirror but left it up to the audience to decide the reason why she is angry.
Anne Saxton also uses a lot of descriptive words to help the reader to create a better picture of the scenes and characters in their heads.  On example of this is when Saxton continues to add descriptive words of White that would also be compared to descriptions of a doll.  This gives the reader a better understanding.  Also Saxton compares scenes to other things in life to create the emotion necessary,  For example in the quote, “Until that moment Snow White had been no more important than a dust mouse under the bed”.  This gives the audience a better understanding of the relationship between the Queen and Snow White.

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